Checkology’s “InfoZones” lesson introduces six “zones” of information: news, opinion, entertainment, advertising, propaganda and raw information. For this challenge, you will evaluate eight items and determine whether each is a piece of straight news or an advertisement. 

News is information that informs you, through objective reporting, about local, national and international events, issues and people of significance or of interest. Advertisements sell you a product or service. 

To distinguish between news and ads, you may need to do some research on the organization or business behind each piece of information. Remember to find out whether it is standards-based — that is, does it adhere to transparent policies and practices designed to ensure that journalists keep an open mind and produce work that is truthful, accurate, fair and reliable?

Tips: Click the (?) icon on the top right of your screen for tips on how to determine whether each piece of information is news or an ad. If you cannot progress to the next example, make sure that you have watched the entire video (or dragged the video scrubber to the end of the video).